covid-19 marketing what to expect

Post-COVID-19 Marketing – What To Expect?

Woohoo, you made it to Part 3 of our 3-part blog series on marketing during COVID-19!

Who Should I Target?

When Should I Restart Paid Media?

How Can I Capture Conversions?

How’s Your Organic Traffic & Social Media?

How’s Your Competition’s Traffic?

What’s Trending In Your Industry?

Keep tabs on this. Sign up for newsletters, attend webinars, talk to people; suppliers, partners, clients — people in similar situations.

What’s the Job Market Like?

The job market…who’s hiring? For what positions?
This is a great way to identify which industries maybe weren’t as affected by COVID-19 or which industries have strong reopening or return-to-work strategies.

One thing is for sure. In the dynamic landscape of the post-COVID job market, individuals in the different fields, must strategically position themselves to secure opportunities. Applicants in the engineering field, for instance, should highlight their adaptability to remote work environments and showcase how they navigated post-COVID challenges, demonstrating resilience and problem-solving skills in the face of job market uncertainties. Crafting a compelling engineering CV is pivotal in this pursuit. As an engineer navigating this landscape, it is essential to leverage AI technologies to enhance the job search.

Given What’s Around Me, Does This Campaign Feel Right?

Think to yourself, given these circumstances, does this campaign align? Or is it somehow tone-deaf? Maybe you’ll notice something that is missing.

What Can I Do Today To Help Me Tomorrow?

After emotional shocks that shook society like 9/11 and the financial meltdowns of recessions it’s a time to pause and reflect. Think about what’s really important, which should be: health, family and the present.

For a lot of us, we keep thinking about the future.

What to do next, where to turn, all the while we still have that emotional load of being vulnerable. Being cautious, trying to be careful and sensitive to others. You look for that in others and in business. Communicating a level of social responsibility is more than ever the key to conversions!

TipTry to be both proactive and sensitive. Be creative and show you care about your community.

Get Creative With Your Offers

Take the example of the hospitality industry: during COVID-19, facilities like the spa and fitness room might not be attractive to a guest anymore. So why not be agile and adapt? Work with your team and offer other services such as contactless check-in and flexible check-out time.

A smart idea would be to develop relationships with local small businesses down the street. Collaborate and develop co-branded offers which adds value to everyone by encouraging them to shop locally, help the community and show that your business cares.

Consider creating offers for seniors, locals, first responders, healthcare workers etc. Leverage your loyalty list, now is the perfect time to connect with your existing clients and deepen the bond!

Connect with Your Existing Customers

Do not be afraid to connect with your customers right now. Although now might not seem like a time for “selling”, it is definitely a time for helping. Interact with your customers through various mediums: send an email or a newsletter, pick up the phone, comment on social media. Check-in.

YYoga, a client of Hangar18 actually sent out a survey to their existing clients asking to help them with their reopening strategy. They wanted to hear from their clients about what they would be comfortable in the coming weeks, in order to gauge what kind of attendance they would have and how soon — we thought this was brilliant. And it is so simple to just ask.

Get the Housekeeping Done

This goes back to identifying where your marketing dollars are going. It is also a time to identify what is no longer serving a purpose to your business and acknowledging new places where you should focus your energy.

Be Scrappy Where You Can Be, But Know When You’re Out of Depth

What Have We Learned?